so as you can see...i love half wigs, i love to change and be different.. yes i have hair, and no wigs arent for "bald headed" people..., its about change baby and i love it. my hair loves it..haha everyone loves it! so try it out, dont be afraid to change it up sometimes...get your sexy on! rock it with i do =-) check me out...keep coming back, i will post new pics of wigs i try out for you beauties
Where do i purchase my halfwigs at? they have the best prices and very good prices on shipping. if all fails i will purchase it from SamsBeauty
U-PART WIG (Removable sew-in)

Brands that i love....sensationnel! (halfwigs) this brand easily matches your own hair texture, they have many beautiful styles, and they last along time when cared for. (Lace Fronts) Model Model is the best as far as styles and textures.